Wonder Boy Wikia
Giant Bat

Giant Bat

Bat (バット Batto) is an enemy type from the series.


Wonder Boy/Wonder Boy Returns/Wonder Boy Returns Remix[]

Bats appear as enemies. They swoop down Boy as he gets close to them. In Adventure Island, they are named Bassers (バッサ Bassa).

Wonder Boy in Monster Land[]

Bat is an enemy that appears in two versions. The Fang Bat (バンパイア, Vampire in Japan) is worth 300 points, and the stronger Vampire Bat (ウェア・バット, Were Bat) is worth 500 points. Fang Bats are red, while Vampire Bats appear both in blue and yellow colors. They often drop a Heart when defeated for the first time.

Bats stay airborne on the same spot and dive to attack when approached. After the attack, they return to their original position. If the player stays within their range, they will repeat the process in quick succession until they are defeated or out of range.

Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap[]

Giant Bat (ジャイアントバット) is a flying enemy that appears in various colors, each with different starts. It swoops down Book just like the previous games, but in an arc-shaped pattern.

Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair[]

Bats are enemies from round 3, and the third boss is a giant bat named Gomorin.

Wonder Boy in Monster World[]

Bats appear as enemies with a behavior similar to their Wonder Boy in Monster Land appearance, but slower. They first appear in the Underground Waterway. Besides normal Bats, the game has a giant version called Dark Wing (ダークウイング).

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom[]

Bats appear as enemies. They behave the same as in Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap.


See also[]
