Adventure Island II, known in Japan as Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima II, is a action platforming game released by Hudson Soft in 1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the second game in the Adventure Island series, and a direct followup to the original game.
From this game onwards, the Adventure Island series would go on with its own sequels with no input from Westone, while the original Wonder Boy series would follow a different direction with its own distinct sequels.
The story differs slightly between the western and Japanese versions of the game, with the western version once again involving the Evil Witch Doctor while the Japanese version introduces a new villain called Beelzebuff.
English version[]
Well, that Evil Witch Doctor refuses to give up! Princess Leilani may be safe, but her sister, Tina, Has just been nabbed.
And this time you've got real trouble. Because not one, but EIGHT perilous islands stand between you and your honey. Get set to battle dinosaurs, survive avalanches and out fight the Evil Witch Doctor's nastiest ghouls.
It'll be tough, that's for sure. So just remember sweet Tina, and how grateful she'll be when you come to her rescue!
Japanese version[]
Master Takahashi rescued Tina after a deadly fight with Kyura the Great. Adventure Island returned to its former peaceful state, with Takahashi and Tina living together with their natural companions.
One day, the evil invader "Beelzebuff" turned his eyes on Adventure Island and started the invasion. In the blink of an eye, the eight islands were occupied by Beelzebuff's minions, and even Tina was taken away by Beelzebuff. Takahashi and his friends set out in a new battle to save Tina and restore peace on the island.
Adventure Island II plays very similarly to its predecessor. This time more emphasis is given to the platforming, while the screen can be scrolled backwards if necessary, giving a more leisurely pace to the game.
New to this game is the addition of dinosaur friends which the player can mount during the stages, these can be found from eggs much like other items and each of them have their own distinct ability. The player can carry these on between stages and store them, being able to select one of them before each stage.
- Master Higgins
- Jeannie Jungle
- Blue Tyrano
- Red Tyrano
- Ptera
- Nessie
- Great Nessie
- Mother Ptera
- Evil Witch Doctor (mentioned in the western manual version)
- Beelzebuff
- Fern Island
- Lake Island
- Desert Island
- Ice Island
- Cave Island
- Cloud Island
- Volcano Island
- Dinosaur Island
- Stone Axe
- Skateboard
- Fruit
- Flower
- Milk
- Honey Girl
- Eggplant
- Card Suits